Friday, May 21, 2010

Thank You! Your Vote For Change is Working!

Thank you for your votes in the Primary Election!
We came in third with 889 votes (the unofficial tally). I am so grateful to all of you who placed your confidence in me. It is humbling and I do not take the responsibility lightly, as your votes show great support for my platform and belief that the members of this tribe want to move forward. We need positive change for the membership and we need it now.

Wayne Goetz has asked me to let you all know that he is throwing his support behind us. Wayne earned a respectable 728 votes! He also supports Seperation of Powers, Reduced Board Pay, Restoration and Protection of the Elder Fund, Restoration of Services, Restoration and Protection of the Education Fund, and Full and Honest Communication with the Membership!
Thank you Wayne for your support, but most of all, thank you for putting yourself out there for the benefit of the membership! Your time and committment to our people is very much appreciated!

It's going to get tough now. Already people are asking me who else they should support for this election. All I can say at this point is I would need more information on the candidates to make that decision. I urge you to look at what they are supporting and decide if it is in line with what we are working toward.... Positive Change and Forward Motion. We need to elect effective leadership that can build a coalition for change from the path our tribe has been on. We need someone who will stand up for the members of this tribe and one who will not only consider but honor the will of the people when making decisions that affect our lives.

Much work needs to be done if we are to move into a position where we can win this election. It will take many hands working together to accomplish the goals we have set.

If you are interested in helping with tasks or donating money for mailing expenses, please contact me at or call me at 906-440-8535.

Miigwech Gakina Awiya! (Thank you Everyone!)

1 comment:

  1. I ready to help. - I am a task oriented person too. Just let me know what I can do for you D.J.
